Sunday 3 January 2016

Goodness where does the time go.

2 kids, still fat.

Running a half marathon in May.

Might right about the journey here...

Monday 11 August 2014

So Ever Onwards...

Haven't really lost much weight, about 4 pounds so far.

Wait is that not...

Cause that is pretty awesome.

Had a break this weekend. Was supposed only to be on Friday night as me and K were having a date night at the pictures. Ended up Running form Thursday night to yesterday (Sunday). Not good and my body rebelled. 

That one of the problems though is it not? You decide to have a break, which is sensible if your read what a lot of the paleo/low carbers say. Not for me though, or at least not so easy. Once i have a little, I want so much more...

Anyhow I haven't gained anything because of it. so back on today. although I am working from home. Let us just say that that is to benefit my co-workers ;)


Thursday 24 July 2014


So, I am finally in ketosis. Meat, eggs, fish, cheese, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.


Common. Wealth.

Common - for use of by everyone. Common store, the village common, etc...

Wealth - kind of subjective but in this case I would define this as material goods and access to medium of exchange (money).

Why am I so fucking angry this morning?

Can it be something to do with the amount of raw cash that has been spent on the opening ceremony to commonwealth games when we have child poverty in this country

It was pointed out to me by a well-meaning colleague that UNICEF have / will have made a bundle from the games so that's ok then.

fair enough... Actually wait a minute...

So we spend tax money on a fucking big daft party with dancing teacakes and John, did anybody NOT know I was gay, Barrowman. And then HOPE that a fucking charity, A FUCKING CHARITY, will gather enough cash from people (who have paid already for the big fucking party) to give something back to the kids and make it all seem worthwhile?


Is it just me or does this seem a bit fucking upside down?

We spend on the big party and hope that the charity will take care of the people we should have spent the party money on in the first place.

Well you DO need a big party to welcome all those sports stars from all those little Commonwealth nations. You know those LUCKY sports people who are LUCKY enough to have skills and talent (or in some cases the correct bounty-style families who can afford to get proper equipment and training for their kids) that allow then to raise themselves above their poverty stricken countrymen. You know, those little commonwealth countries that added to the common-wealth. Well they are pretty common and we know where the wealth all goes.

Common wealth my arse.

Come celebrate you all making the elite and upper classes even richer as we have strip-mined your country for everything we can. And left you to flounder on the world stage. But you are part of the Commonwealth so well done, keep smiling.

But anyhow...

Union. As in The Union of Crowns. As in the United Kingdom

I hate being in this union. I hate that Scotland is the poor cousin in this union. I hate that these things, like the Commonwealth games, are just a platform for naive morons to spout unionist crap.

But I'm in ketosis, so hopefully I'll be getting thinner soon.

It's shit like that which is important no?

Angry, Cumbernauld.

Monday 14 July 2014 useless

Toasties for Friday lunch, totally set me up for pizza on Saturday night, then chocolate on Saturday night and chocolate on Sunday.

The excuse?

Well KT on day shift Saturday, and I took Juliet out to see mum (a 50 mile odd round trip) so I was 'tired' and need a 'treat' and 'so did she'. Which may be fair enough but when you bleat about being too fat then there is no excuse.

Oh yes...on Sunday it was 'KT on night shift, baby in bed, I'm tired and need a treat'

Bollocks man, fucking pathetic.

Better do Better.

I do do well during the week. Carb free, green smoothies, exercise. The weekend seems to be the killer.



Wednesday 9 July 2014


No...not the weight loss (yet)

I cycled to work today! That my friends and neighbours is just this side of fucking fantastic.

OK, right, I live about 25 miles from my place of work so I didn't cycle the whole way.

I would still be peddling. Well no, I would be dead. or lost. Both.


Anyhow, I rammed the bike into the car - the cycle rack needs a decent solid bit of metal to hook onto at the bottom. I don't have a towing hook as the Ford Focus uses a screw-in eye, which I did not get when I bought the car. It's on order but until I get it I cant really use the rack.

So bike in car, work clothes,cycling gloves and pump in backpack and helmet in boot.

I left the car at Deans railway station, this is 2.1 miles from my office according to Davie the store man who lives near there...(quick check on Google Maps) 1.9 miles. OK lets call it 2.

Nice bike ride, the sun was shining and Livingston is replete with cycle-friendly paths. Of course not on the route I choose...Due to my route there was one bit, with no path and loads of lorries, where I walked but that was cool. It took about 15 minutes, and, in the worlds of Jonathan Coulton, 'I Feel Fantastic'

I have sussed out my route back to the car, which will be much less lorry active. Lorriactive. I like that.

So I got in to the office and changed and got to my desk...I was 10 minutes late, but I work in one of those really cool offices where (at least in my role) I don't have to be here at any exact time. I'll leave at 17:10 anyhow. Morally superior and that y'know.

My bike is a dog and a little small for me. It is one which I got free from someone ages ago. I paid about £80 to get it fixed up so its safe enough (I think). It's a bit rattly and if this bike riding thing takes off for me. Which I fully intent for it to do so. I will get a new bike. Just for me :)

I will also get a slightly more padded seat and some proper biking pants. Not Lycra shorts. I mean biking underpants. Need to keep bits out of the way of the pointed seat you know? I don't even know if you can get such a thing.


P.s. - Green smoothie at 11 today, having another at 13:00 :)

Edit - I bought a padded bike seat, just so we know these were available as well...

Bike Pants. 

Monday 7 July 2014


OK, so I'm a freaking woose? Wuse? Wusse? Something like that.

Crap crap crappity crap...Done well during the week though (apart from Wednesday night when i had a Kebab). Green smoothies and meaty dinners.

The weekend starting from Friday though, different story. White bread, Tattie scones. pizza, chicken with very sugary sauces. Xbox and sweeties. All very nice but I feel the wheat cheat today. Yuk.

Ate a fair amount of sugar free sweeties though. I'm getting used to the sugar alcohols. They no longer have 'The Effect' on me (and if you don't know what 'The Effect' is then think Prunes to the power of gastro-enteritis). I though 'they do the trick', but they didn't stop me from buying and eating the real thing though. Jellies, chocolate, shite.

So they do not do the trick then do they.

Do they?

Out they go tonight.

They will stop me from being ketotic though and they don't stop me from eating the real thing.

Out, out, damn spot....

Ketosis is the plan for the next two weeks, I have the testers still so that's the next move.

Simply put (and I'm no biochemist so simply is good enough for me) Keytones are an indicator of your body burning fat rather than sugars for fuel. Seems like the holy grail to me. Atkins, keto, paleo. they all really come back the same way. Low carbs, Low GI (Glycemic Index), Low GL (Glycemic Load).

The common denominator is sugar. (and wheat really but that's a side note)

No sugar. Carbs only from Veg. Very limited fruit this week too which is a bummer. I'll have prunes in my juice and a apple or a pear in the afternoon if I REALLY need it.

 Smoothie this morning - Spinach, celery, mint, ginger, prunes and Fennel. Very nice it were too.
lunch will be the same.


Tuesday 24 June 2014

Eeek...It's green but TASTY

It's amazing what a little bit of fresh mint does for a green smoothie.

Many years ago, I had longer hair and a penchant for going to a rock disco called 'The Dreadnought'. Well, the hotel onto which the disco was attached was called 'The Dreadnought Hotel'. The disco (actually I should say 'Nightclub' but I guess, but, in truth, the Phrase 'Magical Drinking Pit' is more fitting, so we'll stick to Disco.) was also known to us head-bangers as 'The Dready', 'The Dreadful', and 'Ah'm nivir goan back tae that shitehole again'

The original is missed but the spirit is still alive and can be found here.

But it just is not the same...

Why am I subjecting myself to this walk down rememberry lane? Errr... ah yes mint.

Yesterday I started to add fresh mint to my green smoothies partly because I know mint is good for you:

and mostly because it tastes nice. Well nicer than what I had been tasting last week.

and it did! It worked wonders for the smoothies, they taste nice and fresh and minty. Sorted.

So what has that to do with a head-banging, too hot, way too sweaty, way way too loud, rock disco from the seventies and eighties?

The green monster


A pint glass and to this add:

2 measures of vodka
1 measure of Creme-de-menth
1 measure of Blue Balls
1 measure of Advocate

Fill to the foaming brim with lemonade.

Drink through a straw. It's minty. Its thick. It got banned, even from the dreadnought.

'It tastes like a melted doon mint aero' - random sweaty bloke.

'Man, that's the nicest tasting thing ahv ivin thrown up' - G MAcFarlane

'Urgs, Frangle, fuccchhhin kuiiinnn' - Me

Yeah. I don't drink any more.
