Monday 7 July 2014


OK, so I'm a freaking woose? Wuse? Wusse? Something like that.

Crap crap crappity crap...Done well during the week though (apart from Wednesday night when i had a Kebab). Green smoothies and meaty dinners.

The weekend starting from Friday though, different story. White bread, Tattie scones. pizza, chicken with very sugary sauces. Xbox and sweeties. All very nice but I feel the wheat cheat today. Yuk.

Ate a fair amount of sugar free sweeties though. I'm getting used to the sugar alcohols. They no longer have 'The Effect' on me (and if you don't know what 'The Effect' is then think Prunes to the power of gastro-enteritis). I though 'they do the trick', but they didn't stop me from buying and eating the real thing though. Jellies, chocolate, shite.

So they do not do the trick then do they.

Do they?

Out they go tonight.

They will stop me from being ketotic though and they don't stop me from eating the real thing.

Out, out, damn spot....

Ketosis is the plan for the next two weeks, I have the testers still so that's the next move.

Simply put (and I'm no biochemist so simply is good enough for me) Keytones are an indicator of your body burning fat rather than sugars for fuel. Seems like the holy grail to me. Atkins, keto, paleo. they all really come back the same way. Low carbs, Low GI (Glycemic Index), Low GL (Glycemic Load).

The common denominator is sugar. (and wheat really but that's a side note)

No sugar. Carbs only from Veg. Very limited fruit this week too which is a bummer. I'll have prunes in my juice and a apple or a pear in the afternoon if I REALLY need it.

 Smoothie this morning - Spinach, celery, mint, ginger, prunes and Fennel. Very nice it were too.
lunch will be the same.


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