Thursday 12 June 2014

Instant or Referred Satisfaction?

Hmmm...19 Stone 13...Still

Wonder why that is?

What DID I have for dinner last night. Oh yeah, right.

Pizza and Chicken wings.

They were good, man they were good.

So was the Bournville chocolate.

As I said - no focus, must have instant satisfaction.

At least for breakfast I had the nutri-bullet thing and for lunch I had one chicken breast, two peppers and a courgette.

No exercise because I'm a lazy bastard as well though. That's not so good.


Just had a nutri-bullet (Spinach, Cucumber, ginger, apple, orange, water) and today I'm doing a lunchtime work-out.

A thing I know though is that people who achieve goals tend to focus on the mantra that basically says
"Do well today, reap the benefits tomorrow'

Fat cunts like me tend to say 'More chicken wings' or 'Yes, I will have that ice cream sundae that comes in the 3 pint glass'

or to put it another way 'Eat fun stuff and be lazy, for satisfaction today' . Instant satisfaction. Foodies, drinkers, smokers, druggies. That is what they have in common. NOW. Want it NOW.

Don wanna do it if it's hard.

Just like a child.


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