Wednesday 18 June 2014


I don't believe in God but I still call Christmas, Christmas. I don't believe in Odin but I still call Wednesday, Wednesday.

Off topic no?

Anyhow. Green smoothie for breakfast. Mixed leaves (actually I wonder if a little mint leaf in there would be nice...worth trying), Ginger, Cucumber, Courgette, Carrot.

It tasted a bit rubbish actually, but I rather think that was down to the lack of sweet fruit.

Still I feel pretty good. Didn't get to bed last night until half eleven as I started to watch a show called 'Orange is the new black' on Netflix. Pretty damn good it was too...I feel a resurgence of the Breaking Bad effect ('Eh..Yeah lets just watch another one...")

Had a nice wee workout yesterday and plan to do the same today, have also restarted my old kettelbell on the desk thing. Works pretty well for me.

Not Planning to weight in until Friday. I don't expect there to be any change, because I have been eating what I want at night. But if I am continuing to be happy and satisfied during the days with just smoothies then that is definitely a way to go.

I am (as well as getting married) planning on doing a Spartan Sprint in September.

Katie too...

More on that later...


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