Monday 23 June 2014

YE-HAA and we're off....

our heads.

No Really.

Monday man,  I love my life, I enjoy my pastimes. I like my job. it's a nice day. Still hate Mondays though...

So this is it, over the last while myself and the boss have been trying various different eating plans and what not (as I have previously mentioned). to see what works for us, where the pitfalls are and how what we need to not eat fits in with what we feed Juliet.

So research completed. and this is it, ground zero, or at least ground almond flour and zero carbs. lol.


Friday and Saturday nights.
Tiredness (it took me three attempts to spell that correctly).
General Ennui and cannie-be-botheredness.


I love meat.
Green juices during the day actually work
Sugar free sweets

That's it.

Green juice for breakfast and lunch
Eat whatever I want at home (keeping the bread and other carbs to a minimum but they are not VERBOTTEN). Simply because I know what my brain does when i forbid it something.
(in the style of the onion) I must have it, suffering Jesus big-balls christ I will die without it. Must, must , must eat that chocolate. now. more. I will DIE!!!!! Helllllp meeeeeeee....munch much munch.
Exercise daily. Yup...daily. But smartly. Running one day/Weights the next. Rinse and repeat.



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